About Me

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Hi! My name is Bee Yang and welcome to my personal blog. This blog is a collection of all -but not limited to- thoughts, ideas, songs, videos, fashion and stories from everyone around the world. Whatever I find that may spark my interest, I will post it on this blog. Feel free to look around and enjoy yourself. Don't hesitate to comment!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hey Neiman Marcus


A few movies I want to see...

These films feature Asian, female leads. Both movies have the gays in them. One more dominantly than the other.

The People I've Slept With

Fruit Fly

Going to Arizona?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Vera Wang's Wedding Dresses

Mariah Carey

Jennifer Lopez

Chelsea Clinton

Ivanka Trump

Alicia Keys

Khloe Kardashian

Jessica Simpson

Ali Larter

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Yay Mexico!

Published: August 10, 2010

The Mexican Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that each of the country’s 31 states must recognize same-sex marriages registered in Mexico City, potentially giving gay and lesbian couples full matrimonial rights nationwide.

While the court made it clear that state governments were not obligated to enact same-sex marriage laws of their own, it did require them to recognize the legality of such marriages performed in Mexico City.

“What’s going to happen to a same-sex couple, who marry in Mexico City, when they cross the border to another state," asked Justice Arturo Zaldívar, who voted with the majority, during Tuesday’s discussions. “Does this marriage disappear? They go on vacation and they’re no longer married?”

The court decision leaves uncertainty about which marital rights must be recognized by state governments. But Arturo Pueblita Fernández, a constitutional law professor at the Ibero-American University in Mexico City, said that fundamental spousal rights would apply to same-sex couples across the country, including alimony payments, inheritance rights and the coverage of spouses by the federal social security system, which provides health and pension benefits to most of Mexico’s working population.

Uh oh...Apple...

D'après les informations du New York Post, la Commission européenne, gendarme de la concurrence dans l'Union, et la Federal trade commission (FTC), son homologue américain, devraient mener une enquête commune sur les blocages imposés par Apple sur ses téléphones iPhone et ses tablettes iPad.

Apple a notamment bloqué les applications basées sur Flash d'Adobe, en modifiant les conditions d'utilisation de sa plate-forme de développement ; Adobe avait déposé une plainte auprès de la FTC. L'entreprise a également sévèrement limité les possibilités pour des tiers de diffuser des publicités sur ses plates-formes. Ni la FTC, ni la Commission européenne n'ont souhaité confirmer ou infirmer les informations du New York Post.

Apple fait également l'objet d'une deuxième enquête aux Etats-Unis, portant sur un autre soupçon d'abus de position dominante, dans le secteur de la musique. Apple, qui domine largement les ventes de musique numérique aux Etats-Unis avec deux titres vendus sur trois, est suspecté d'avoir fait pression sur des maisons de disque pour qu'elles refusent des accords avec son concurrent Amazon, les menaçant de rerprésailles commerciales sur sa plate-forme iTunes.

Les deux enquêtes devraient durer plusieurs mois. La FTC comme la Commission européenne peuvent infliger d'importantes amendes. Intel ou Microsoft ont ainsi été condamnés par le passé à des pénalités pouvant dépasser le milliard d'euros.

Le Monde.fr

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A bus that drives over cars!

The model looks like a subway or light-rail train bestriding the road. It is 4-4.5 m high with two levels: passengers board on the upper level while other vehicles lower than 2 m can go through under. Powered by electricity and solar energy, the bus can speed up to 60 km/h carrying 1200-1400 passengers at a time without blocking other vehicles' way. Also it costs about 500 million yuan to build the bus and a 40-km-long path for it, only 10% of building equivalent subway. It is said that the bus can reduce traffic jams by 20-30%.

The Canadian Tenors

So I was surfing the internet and came across this wonderful group called the Canadian Tenors. They're a classical and pop vocal quartet consisting of Remigio Pereira, Victor Micallef, Fraser Walters, and Clifton Murray. I listened to them sing "Hallelujah" (below) and I got chills up and down my spine. I know what I like and what I don't and THIS, I like :)

Clifton was in the movie "She's The Man" and played along side Channing Tatum as one of his buddies.