About Me

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Hi! My name is Bee Yang and welcome to my personal blog. This blog is a collection of all -but not limited to- thoughts, ideas, songs, videos, fashion and stories from everyone around the world. Whatever I find that may spark my interest, I will post it on this blog. Feel free to look around and enjoy yourself. Don't hesitate to comment!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hmong Colors!!!

BREAKING NEWS: Elizabeth Hasselback Supports Gay Marriage

The New Civil Rights Movement
by CALEB EIGSTI on AUGUST 17, 2010

"I am not ultra-ultra-conservative on every issue. I actually support gay marriage."

"...There are a lot of, maybe, conservatives out there who are talking about gay marriage and not necessarily with someone who wants to have gay marriage or has been in a gay marriage. You know, I had Melissa Etheridge over, we had dinner, we talked for hours about gay marriage, and I would really challenge people: Get out there. Instead of just talking about it and hating on it, actually talk to someone who’s loved someone else and have the conversation about what can be done…"